

Hello everyone, so long so long! It’s been so long indeed. I have been missing in actions for a good two weeks now! I am so sorry that I didn’t keep up with my videos! I will be filming my random facts video tomorrow, so hopefully it will be up by Saturday!

The last two weeks have been hectic. Basically what I did was going to job interviews, organising work schedule, sorting out on what days I work here and there, getting all the paper work done, and looking for a car. Can you believe these things would take up so much time? I find it hard to believe, but that’s exactly what happened. Anyways, I am really thankful that God has prepared all these jobs for me and led me to the right ones! I couldn’t have asked for anything more really!

What really excites me about starting work is that I finally get to get my own car! I’ve been driving my Dad’s car ever since I started to learn driving. It’s a good little car and my Dad suggested selling it to me, but I’ve got something in mind already! Oops sorry 😛 Having said that, I haven’t actually decided on which car to get yet. I am still deciding. Plus, I have only test-driven two cars. I will most likely keep on looking for a good awhile, but I pretty much need to make a decision in the next seven days. What cars would you recommend for commuting to work? I will be driving for a good 1.5 hours each day, so I want one that is comfortable to sit in, good to drive, and fuel efficient. I originally had a much longer criteria list, but I realised that no car was perfect. I just have to find one that is perfect for me. Why does it sound like choosing a partner all of a sudden? xD

But do let me know what recommendations of cars you have for me, I will give them a good think 😉

So that’s basically what I’ve been up to lately. I surely have missed my blog and YouTube channel! It’s so much fun filming and editing videos. I will definitely go back to it!

Hope you are all doing great, my fabulous fellow bloggers! I shall talk to you soon. Take care!

Lydssy xx

Random facts about me <3

Hi everyone and a big, warm welcome to my new followers! I’m really glad to have you around. Hopefully you will enjoy this blog! 🙂 

First of all, I’d like to thank lipglossandleather for nominating me for the Liebstar Award! I didn’t see that coming at all. It was a pleasant surprise. Unfortunately, I don’t really quite have the time to go through the questions at the moment! But I promise I will do them in a few days time, when Easter is over! This week has been so packed. I was always up and going, trying to get things done! So, more of the Liebster Award later!

But for now, I’ll let you guys know what I’m planning to do for my next video! In the last three weeks, I’ve been trying to make at least one video a week. It brakes my heart to realise that this week has almost come to an end and I still haven’t done any filming!! Anyways, I’m planning to do a RANDOM FACTS ABOUT ME video! I thought I would let you all get to know me better since I am a newbie in the blogger and YouTuber’s world!



I’m still trying to come up with more random facts about myself! What do you want to know about me? Leave me a comment and I’ll answer you in the video! 

Happy Easter everyone! Talk soon!

Lydssy xx

Graduation + New Video!


How exciting!! It definitely is a big milestone for me. Now that I have completed one stage of my life, I know that a brand new page is waiting for me to paint on! 

I am so very thankful for the opportunity to have studied at UWA. It was such a feast to the eyes that each day I was surrounded by beautiful architecture. I am also very grateful that I met a bunch of friends whose friendship I will cherish for years to come! I will miss some of those crazy poddies so much, but I’m sure we will meet again! 🙂 Also a big thank you to Jesus for walking through the past four years with me. I still remember the late nights and all-nighters before assignment due dates and exams! Looking back now, I couldn’t see how I would have done it without His helping hands! I am so very thankful for my family, brothers and sisters in Christ for their continual support and prayers. I am so blessed to have all these things in life. 

What are your biggest achievements in life? Share with me 🙂


And I’ve been filming hard! My fourth video is live on YouTube already! Image


Go watch here:  http://youtu.be/WCahDk8L-ZU

If you have missed the other three videos, don’t worry. You can find them on ThoseLydssyThings on YouTube!

I would love to hear from you for video ideas, comments, and questions!!

You can also visit my Facebook page for updates and all other stuffs–> https://www.facebook.com/thoselydssythings

Oh and don’t hesitate to check me out on Instagram @Thoselydssythings too 😉


Hope you are all doing great this week!! Take care, have an awesome weekend, and I’ll talk to you soon! 🙂

Lydssy xx

I started a YouTube channel!!!

What can be more exciting than this? About a week ago, I was thinking to myself that it would be pretty cool to have my own YouTube channel. I’ve been following quite a few beauty channels on YouTube for some time now, and I have always admired the courage of my fellow beauty gurus. So on Wednesday afternoon, I decided I would make my own makeup tutorial.

I filmed on Wednesday afternoon, then started editing that night. I couldn’t even get half of the editing done!! I’d never made a video before, so it was quite a new task for me. More editing the next day. And finally, the final product was completed on Thursday night! I uploaded it on my YouTube channel right away, hoping that it would go live in 10-15 mins or so. BUT I WAS SO WRONG. It took more than 3 hours for a 7-min video to get uploaded. Plus it dragged my internet so much. I’ve learned though. I now upload during midnight when everyone’s asleep and the perfect thing is it’ll be all done the morning I wake up!

Video-making must be addictive. I couldn’t resist the urge to make another video yesterday. Surprisingly, it took me less than 10 hours to get it all done from scratch this time!! Wooohooo I was head over feet when my baby was born last night. I just couldn’t be happier. I started uploading it at around 1.30am, and this morning at 11  it was ready to go live (pretty sure it was ready way earlier, but I only woke up at 10!)

So I’ve been really busy this week, and I enjoyed every second of it. Korean makeup is definitely my passion, and I think I will continue on this path as long as God permits! I am very thankful that God has blessed me with time and courage to step out of my comfort zone to pursue something quite extraordinary. I believe He will continue to make ways for me, so all that I need to do is have faith and work hard! 🙂

You must be itching to watch my videos, right?

1. Korean-inspired everyday makeup      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8tihwxIXMY

Makeup tutorial ad

2. Oh-So-Great Gradation Lips    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VStpgBQxVAY&list=UU9VBp3L6F5ofQxAWgYLsL3w

Edited gradation collage

Obviously, the quality of my videos isn’t top-notch. But for a starter like me, it still hits the pass mark I’d say! :p

I hope you will enjoy those videos. Let me know what you think about them, whether it be makeup-related or filming-related. I’d love to know what you think!

Have a nice weekend everyone, and I’ll talk to you soon.

Lydssy xx

Wavy hair with no heat?!

Hello everyone, how was your weekend? I had a fantastic weekend packed full of actions! Weekends always seem so busy for some reasons, I wonder if it is the same with you.

If you have read my previous post, I mentioned that I was trying a no-heat hair curling method to see if it actually worked. You can go to http://youtu.be/ZTPFbRGA0tw to see the original tutorial posted by Bubzbeauty. Bubz is a beautiful and talented Youtuber and blogger. Her makeup and hair tutorials are really cool, so go check them out if you have time!

I am gonna quickly run through the process and give my final verdict to this hair curling method!

So what you need is something very accessible. If you have a pair of CLEAN but reaped socks or tights that you don’t have the heart to throw away, then it’s perfect! Simply use that pair of socks. If it’s a pair of tights that you’re using, cut the legs off so you have two bands (CUUUUT THHHEEEE LEEEEGS OFFFFFF..and it echoes.)



I used four bands in total cos I didn’t really have much hair to play with. It doesn’t matter how many bands you are using, it’s all a matter of personal preference. As a general rule of thumb, the thicker the band, the bigger the wave is gonna be.

You will also need the same number of hair elastics as the bands. I opted for some striped fabric that I found at home for a more fashionable look. If you happen to have some leftover fabric, feel free to use them!

OK, start off by separating your hair into sections. Then tie a band into a knot at the upper end of the hair section. The higher you tie the knot, the higher the wave will start to form. I actually found it quite hard to hold onto a hair section while trying to make a knot with the band at the same time, so I ended up making a knot first then simply pull my hair through like I would with a hair elastic.

DSC_0055 Tie the band into a knot first and use it like a hair elastic.


It made it so much easier for me as I have really clumsy fingers!

Once you have that knot in place, take your hair and wind it around one leg of the band. Take the hair back to center, then wind it around the other leg. Which way the hair goes is entirely up to you. The hair can go under or over the band. The end result will be the same. Repeat the motions until all the length of the hair is winded up. Then tie a hair elastic at the end to hold it in place. Now, if the fabric or tight has a super long end, it is going to be hard to tie the hair elastic on and to take it off later on. It is better to adjust the length of the fabric before you start braiding your hair around it.

After you have got all those bands in place, you will have the most fashionable hairstyle on the planet.



You just got to love that look! The pink stripy band on the left was way too long, it gave me a very hard time trying to get the hair elastic on and off!

Now you can have it on for two hours or longer if you have the time. I only had it on for roughly about two hours because I needed to head out. So, the moment of truth has come, did it work?

Let me show you a before and after:

DSC_0051  before         vs            after      DSC_0065

Before I give my final verdict, I will have to say that my hair is naturally wavy and hard. Plus I washed my hair the night before I did this, so my hair wasn’t the softest to start with either. After having it on for two hours, I’d say my hair seemed to be curling in a more organised manner, but by no means I found that I had very distinct waves.

So, my verdict is I’d go back to my hair iron to curl my hair. Yes, it uses heat and can be damaging to the hair, but it is quick and effective. It also gives nice waves and curls. Having said that, if you have soft and pliable hair, I think this method will work, especially if you do it right after shower when your hair is freshly dried. Theoretically, this no-heat method works like braiding. If the idea of using a hair iron doesn’t appeal to you, I’d say just give yourself a good braid and you will also end up having wavy hair.

As much as this method seems easy, I did find it quite time-consuming. But then, if you fancy the most fashionable hairstyle on Earth, certainly give it a go. It’s a good experience, I guarantee you. I am sorry guys if my pictures have given you a heart attack, I hope you do enjoy this lengthy post. If you decided to give this a go, let me know, I want to know if it works with other people! Oh and pictures are very welcomed 😉

Thanks for stopping by! Have a happy Monday everyone 🙂

Off to a fun start

Morning morning, everyone! I hope you’re all enjoying a beautiful Saturday morning as I am. The weather is just superb in Perth today! This morning I found out that I didn’t actually know how to set the alarm clock on my new phone (I got a Sony Xperia Z. That’s right, not an iPhone. Please don’t ask why.) I was supposed to get up at 8.30 to get ready for a rehearsal at 10.30. It must have been 9.30 or so when I thought to myself why hadn’t my alarm clock go off yet, but then I trusted my phone so I decided I would just go back to sleep. My sister knocked on my door at 10 and wondered why I was still bed. It was then I realised the alarm clock had NEVER gone off because I didn’t actually turn it on after I set the time last night. Panic mode kicked in, and thanks to that, I managed to get myself  look presentable enough for the rehearsal.

So what I learned this morning was to always expect the unexpected. Flexibility is definitely a crucial skill to have.

Anyways, back on Thursday, I actually made a little trip to an art and craft shop to get the materials I’d need for my DIY journal project. I think I must have spent a good two hours or so there to try to make up my mind on fabric and thread choices. Being indecisive definitely has its down sides.

Nonetheless, I did manage to walk out from the shop with some pretties in my shopping bag. Let me show you what I bought:


  • An unbleached cotton fabric which I’d be using for the cover of the journal
  • Some threads
  • A hoop and embroidery needles
  • Last but not least, a very pretty stack of designer paper

I love those designer paper so much! Words cannot do justice to their loveliness.


There are so many different designs in one book, I’m just showing you a few designs to you to give you a little taste of it. Aren’t they just gorgeous? They cost quite a bit, but I thought they might come in handy at some point, so bringing it home that was!

Now that I’ve got all the materials I need, I am ready to go when I get my design finalised. I did actually draft up a design that I was quite happy with, but it might just be a little bit too challenging for me to sew at the moment. I decided that I shouldn’t give myself such a hard time considering that I am a sewing dummy, so I am planning to do another one after the weekend because the weekend happens to be the busiest time during the week for me!

So that’s all for the update on the project, I’ll be posting again when there’s some progress going on.

P.S. I watched a tutorial on how to get wavy hair with no heat last night. I am trying it right now and I think I have the most fashionable hairstyle on Earth (you’ll agree with me if you see me now.) Wonder if it will work? Stay tuned and find out in my next post!

Happy Weekend everybody!

Lydssy xx

The Stone Age moment

No one lives and walks around without a living phone these days, right? The moment when my phone officially died, I couldn’t help but to think my Stone Age moment had come. I’m not even a phone addict that needs constant stimulation from my phone, but still the fact that I would have no one to turn to in case of emergency was not a very pleasant idea.

Having said that, what’s a better time than this to get a new phone? I’ve been thinking about getting a new one every since my phone started playing up. I promise what happened today wasn’t intentional though. I’m not going to go into great details as to how it happened. Basically, a faulty power button plus a decision to take out the battery in the hope of resetting the phone are all you need.

Anyways, I shall leave the phone incident behind. As I mentioned in my last blog post, I started a little project. It is something entirely new to me, so I really am quite excited about it! So, what is this project exactly? I am not usually very fussy about my stationary. I don’t need them to look perfect, I just need them to do their jobs. But then, when it comes to my own diary, I will not just write in any book. I need to write in one that inspires me to write. The last one that I had looked something like this:


Yup yup, I know what you’re thinking. What’s so special about this journal? Well, what’s special about it that captures my heart is the simplicity of it. Plus, it feels good to the touch as the cover is made with a cotton fabric. Sometimes simplicity can just simply be very sophisticated, right? 😉 So, this left me thinking, wouldn’t it be cool if I could add something to it? The fabric cover led me to the idea of embroidery straight away. Cotton fabric + pattern design + a little bit (probably a lot to me) of sewing = my beautiful DIY journal! And of course I can’t sew through the hard paper card underneath, so that would mean adding book binding into the DIY journal formula.

So, I started to look for embroidery patterns as a reference for me to create my own. There are just simply so many awesome patterns out there. A lot of them are spectacular! When it comes to embroidery or sewing, I am a complete novice if not a dummy. I did successfully knit up a scarf with varying widths though.

I think some diligent Youtube watching would get me off to a humble start. My design is still in progress, but I am predicting lots of floral. Want to know where I’ve been getting my inspiration from? Find out on my Pinterest page:  http://www.pinterest.com/lydssylydssy/

It definitely will be a lot of work, but nothing beats the excitement of starting a new project and seeing it through! I’m thinking about filming the process and put them up as vlogs. I will be needing quite a bit of advice on sewing, so any expert advice is largely welcomed!

Are you working on any DIY projects at the moment? What are they? I’d love to know 🙂

That’s all for today guys, thanks for stopping by! More posts on the project will come, so stay tuned!

Lydssy xx

“Climb every mo…

“Climb every mountain, Ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow, Till you find your dream”
— The Sound of Music

Hello there, you lovely people! 

Welcome to ThoseLydssyThings grand opening! This little blog of mine is basically about all those little things in my life e.g. dreams, thoughts, ideas, funny moments, and all sorts of strangeness! 

The quote comes from the song “climb every mountain” in The Sound of Music. One of my favorites for motivation. Every time I look at it, I feel like I can climb, or even move a mountain.

Have you heard of “climb every mountain” before? What do you think about it? Are you a dreamer like me?

Share your thoughts with me, I’d love to get to know you!

P.s. I started a new project today, it’s very exciting! I will write more about it later, so keep tuning in!

Thanks for stopping by. Talk soon.
