

Hello everyone, so long so long! It’s been so long indeed. I have been missing in actions for a good two weeks now! I am so sorry that I didn’t keep up with my videos! I will be filming my random facts video tomorrow, so hopefully it will be up by Saturday!

The last two weeks have been hectic. Basically what I did was going to job interviews, organising work schedule, sorting out on what days I work here and there, getting all the paper work done, and looking for a car. Can you believe these things would take up so much time? I find it hard to believe, but that’s exactly what happened. Anyways, I am really thankful that God has prepared all these jobs for me and led me to the right ones! I couldn’t have asked for anything more really!

What really excites me about starting work is that I finally get to get my own car! I’ve been driving my Dad’s car ever since I started to learn driving. It’s a good little car and my Dad suggested selling it to me, but I’ve got something in mind already! Oops sorry 😛 Having said that, I haven’t actually decided on which car to get yet. I am still deciding. Plus, I have only test-driven two cars. I will most likely keep on looking for a good awhile, but I pretty much need to make a decision in the next seven days. What cars would you recommend for commuting to work? I will be driving for a good 1.5 hours each day, so I want one that is comfortable to sit in, good to drive, and fuel efficient. I originally had a much longer criteria list, but I realised that no car was perfect. I just have to find one that is perfect for me. Why does it sound like choosing a partner all of a sudden? xD

But do let me know what recommendations of cars you have for me, I will give them a good think 😉

So that’s basically what I’ve been up to lately. I surely have missed my blog and YouTube channel! It’s so much fun filming and editing videos. I will definitely go back to it!

Hope you are all doing great, my fabulous fellow bloggers! I shall talk to you soon. Take care!

Lydssy xx

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